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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lesson for Today

8:08 AM Posted by HM Hafizd 2 comments
Class will be begins after short time break. Prof Andrew Clarke will come in moment, but, the class so hingar-bingar like jualan lelong in pasar malam dekat Shell. And without detected by anybody, Prof Andrew Clarke come in class with gently. 'silence please'.

Suasana tiba-tiba terus seperti dalam library. Setelah memandang his student one by one, Prof Andrew take one chalk and write on blackboard. Every member of this class so curious to know what he doing. His body covered it all. After finished, he turn in front and said to his student, 'anybody can give 'tanda bacaan' for this sentence?'

woman without her man is nothing

Kelihatan on their face seakan-akan tergamam and terkejut. And ada yang berkerut-kerut dahinya. James, the most charming guy in this class (his perasan for sure) mengangkat tangan, 'Prof, i can do it'. Dengan machonya dia berjalan ke blackboard dan melakukan apa yang di suruh.

woman, without her man, is nothing!

Sekali lagi dengan bangganya he show off what he done. Terus every man in this class bersorak-sorak gempita. 'Aku belum cakap kamu dah lompat-lompat, macam monyet lah' chief of class want to said like that, but because he also a man, a macho man, he only talk in his heart. Malah, dia juga tumpang sekaki berkinja-kinja. 'marilah bergoyang...'.

I did not describe lagi our lovely faces from our girls. Ada yang naik menyampah, ada yang meluat, ada yang tak puas hati. Dalam hati 2, 3 girls ada juga agree with this statement. But can show off la. Nanti will be banished. Yang menyampah tue tarik muka 32, 'awat la laki class aku perangai cam nie tau, tak bernafsu tengok'. Melinda, the smartest girls was dikuit oleh partner sebelahnya, 'Mel, think of something'. Sebelum Melinda nak respond, sebab dia pon tengah memerah otak lagi, Sandra with gently, berjalan ke hadapan. Everybody tertanya-tanya, 'apa yang dia nak buat tue'.

woman! without her, man is nothing!!!

Everybody silence when she return to her seat. Girl student pulak bersorak-sorak. 'tue, tengok tue, siap bagi 3 tanda seru lagi, padan muka you all'. Heather, the chubby girl menjerit kuat-kuat. Baru puas hati beliau. Siap buat tarian shuffle lagi kat depan tue. Ada yang memuji Sandra. 'good job Sand, you're awesome'. Boys can hardly face defeat, 'ek eleh, boooo'. Masing-masing berhingar-bingar, tak boleh kalah. Dengan tenang, Prof Andrew Clarke berjalan keluar ke pintu 'that our lesson for today', terus pergi tanpa berrpaling, pergi tak kembali!!!

TAPI KAN :- Bila John datang to me and ask to borrow my notes, i'm said to him "every man for himself" la. Bila Amanda minta tolong buy her some chocolate, "please, for me" aku yang malas tadi terus mencair kemalasan menjadi "it's okay, anything for you, my dear". Perghh


Unknown said...

ape yg prof itu cube ajar? heh. dia mengalami masalah kah? atau dia mengajar psychology? :D

HM Hafizd said...

emm, patut ckp dia mgajar supaya berfikir...
hehe, entah la :D